44 Other Parent Tax Filing Status
Did or will the other parent file a 2022 IRS Form 1040 or 1040-NR?
If the answer is “No,” indicate which one of the following situations applies to the other parent for 2022:
If one of the options in the second column below is selected and the parent is unmarried, question 45 can be skipped.
- The other parent filed or will file a tax return with Puerto Rico or another U.S. territory.
- The parent filed or will file a foreign tax return.
- Either the other parent earned income in a foreign country but still did not and will not file a foreign tax return or they were an employee of an international organization that did not require them to file a tax return. Such international organizations include, for example, the United Nations, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund.
- The other parent, even though they earned income in the U.S., did not and will not file a U.S. tax return because their income was below the tax filing threshold.
- The other parent did not and will not file a U.S. tax return for reasons other than low income.
- The other parent did not and will not file any tax return because they did not earn any income.
45 Other Parent Tax Return Information
Head of household
Married filing jointly
Married filing separately
Qualifying surviving spouse
Convert all currency to U.S. dollars. If the answer is zero or the question does not apply, enter 0.
If the answer is negative, completely fill the circle ( – ) after the answer box.
IRS Form 1040—line 1 (or IRS Form 1040-NR—line 1a) +
Schedule 1—lines 3 + 6
- Tax exempt interest income
IRS Form 1040: line 2a
- Untaxed portions of IRA distributions
IRS Form 1040: line 4a minus 4b
- IRA rollover into a qualified plan
IRS Form 5498
- Untaxed portions of pensions
IRS Form 1040: line 5a minus 5b
- Pension rollover into a qualified plan
IRS Form 5498
IRS Form 1040: line 11
IRS Form 1040: line 25d
- Did the parent receive the earned income tax credit (EITC)?
IRS Form 1040: line 27a
Don’t know
- IRA deductions and payments to self-employed
SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 1: total of lines 16 + 20
(American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning credits)
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 3: line 3
- Did the other parent file a Schedule A, B, D, E, F, or H with their 2022 IRS Form 1040?
Don’t know
- Net profit or loss from IRS Form 1040 Schedule C
IRS Form 1040 Schedule C: line 31
- Foreign earned income exclusion
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 1: line 8d